My 1st Blog

1 min readJan 7, 2021

Hello All..! I wish I could share about myself to the world and I would love to congratulate myself by doing this. I’m just a guy who is in 20s and like others, I did my engineering. I hope this custom ends soon😅.

You, my lovely people have to know why I’ve started writing. There was a time when I’ve never thought of myself like who I am or what is the purpose of my life in this era. But, for the past few months, those were the only thoughts roller coaster-ing in my mind. Guess what ? I’m graduated. Probably, every engineering student would have thought about this. Yet, they move. They move with their jobs, They move with their commitments. Here I’m… I’m here to share about myself and to listen about you as well.

I portray myself as a courageous guy. I assume that upcoming posts will ensure that. We all are same but with a different perspective. Let’s clash and get to know about flavours of character sooner 😋❤.

